
Edit Components


Editing Component details in Partsimony allows you to update crucial information like names, types, and manufacturing methods, ensuring your Project data remains accurate.

Editing & Updating Components

Updating Component Overview Details

To update the details of a Component in Partsimony:

  1. Select the Component you wish to update within the Project's Components page to open the Component editor window

  2. Update Component details in the Overview tab

  3. Save your changes by either pressing Enter or clicking the Save button

Definition of Key Component Details

  • Name: Change the name of the Component

  • Type: Update the type classification

  • Phase: Modify the current phase of the Component

  • Desired Materials: Specify the materials you want for the Component

  • Manufacturing Methods: Choose the methods for manufacturing, such as 3D printing or CNC machining

  • Certifications: Add any required manufacturing certifications

  • Quantity per Unit: Specify how many units are used in the build (e.g.; 4 tires used in 1 car build)

  • Annual Usage: Estimate how often the Component will be used each year

  • Description: Provide any additional detailed description of the Component

Upload Component Files

To add files associated with a single Component:

  1. Select the Component you want to update in your Project

  2. Click on the Files tab of the Component editor window

  3. Click Upload to add new files to your Component

Bulk Update Components

  1. Navigate to the Components tab on the Project page 

  2. Select all the Components you want to update and click on the download icon to download Components as a spreadsheet to streamline mass update

  3. Update the respective Component on the spreadsheet

  4. Click the Update button on the Component table

  5. Click the Update using Excel button to upload the updated Excel file with the relevant Components

Archive component

To archive a Component, select the Component you want to archive and select the trash icon.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, while entering Component details, fields like materials, manufacturing methods, and quantity are necessary. Other fields, mainly for certifications, are optional.

  • You can upload files in CAD, PDF, PNG, and ZIP format. Make sure the file names in the zip match those in your CAD file.