
Manufacturer Dashboard


Explore the Manufacturer Dashboard to navigate and utilize its key features, enhancing your oversight of orders, production, and potential earnings.

Organization Intelligence & Reputation Scoring

How Recommendations Work

Partsimony uses data from your activities to make its AI recommendations more accurate and relevant for your organization. This means that as you use Partsimony, it gets better at helping you with supply chain decisions.

Organizational Intelligence Score

The Organization Intelligence is a score out of 100 that quantifies your engagement and effectiveness within the Partsimony network, factoring in the completeness of your profile, transaction volume, financial commitment, design contributions, and network size.

Organizational Intelligence Score Requirements

Boost Your Network Visibility

Just like how SEO improves your website's visibility, actively participating in the network can enhance your supplier ranking. This, in turn, makes you more visible to potential new customers.

Understanding Reputation Score

The Reputation Score is a score out of 850 that serves as a reflection of your credibility within the Partsimony marketplace, automatically calculated by your transaction history, customer satisfaction, and financial engagement.

Achieving a high score is key to building trust and winning more business, as it encapsulates the value and reliability you offer to customers.

Definition of Reputation Score Requirements

Key Views

Potential Earnings

On the Manufacturer Dashboard in Partsimony, you have a quick view of the potential revenue your orders can bring. This is divided into two main categories:

  • Dollars in Queue: The potential revenue from orders that are currently waiting to be started

  • Dollars in Production: The potential revenue from orders that are actively being made

Shipping Soon

This part of the dashboard gives you a quick view of orders that are ready to ship including:

  • Component/No: Name and number of the component

  • Quantity (Qty): Number of manufactured units for the component

  • Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA): when the component is expected to be shipped

Queued Orders

This part of the dashboard lets you see a list of orders that are queued but haven't started the production process yet.

Similarly to the Shipping Soon view, you can check the component names and numbers, see how many of each component you have, and look at the estimated dates when they'll be shipped.

Performance Metrics

In your Manufacturer Dashboard, you have access to various data points that give insights into your performance within the Partsimony network. These metrics are valuable for understanding and improving your standing.

  • Order Count: Shows the total number of orders your company has processed. This helps you track volume over time.

  • Reputation Score: This is a reflection of how the network views your company. It's based on customer feedback and your transaction history.

  • Customer Engagement: This measures the quality and frequency of your interactions with customers. It's important for maintaining good customer relations.

  • RFP Response: Details your responsiveness to requests for proposals. Being quick and detailed can increase your chances of winning contracts.

  • Win Rate: Indicates the percentage of bids or proposals that turn into awarded contracts. High win rates show effectiveness in pitching your services.

  • Revenue: Represents your current earnings from both ongoing and completed transactions. It's a direct indicator of your financial success.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Reputation Score is a key metric that ranks suppliers in the network. It's improved by processing more orders and increases their visibility to new customers.

  • Queued Orders are those not yet in production, showing potential revenue. Orders in Production are being made, also showing potential revenue but are closer to shipping.

  • The Org Intelligence score reflects how well your organization utilizes the platform, with a focus on enhancing AI efficacy through your data contributions and network engagement. The Reputation score, on the other hand, is an indicator of your trustworthiness and customer satisfaction within the marketplace, directly affecting your ability to attract and retain business. While both scores are important, Org Intelligence measures your interaction with the AI and platform features, whereas Reputation is a direct measure of your commercial reliability and success.